Babbage Company Privacy Statement

We respect the privacy of visitors to our website and ensure that the personal information you provide to us is treated confidentially. The processing of personal data is carried out in a manner that is in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.

Purposes of the data processing

We process personal data to carry out our services: mediating for a (temporary) job or assignment. Additionally, we process personal data to be able to make offers and/or provide information about our services and other activities. We may also approach you for possible events such as masterclasses, speed dates, networking events that may be of interest to you. In case of employment, we need your data for offering a contract, for contact during and after your assignment, and for fulfilling our possible financial obligations.


We publish newsletters by means of which we inform interested parties of any news in the area of our services and related issues. We only add your email address to our list of subscribers once you have expressly given your consent to this. Each newsletter contains a link by means of which you can unsubscribe. We do not share our subscriber file with any third parties.

Personal data which we process

When you register with us and/or apply for a position, we process the following personal data:

  • first name;
  • surname;
  • e-mail address;
  • telephone number;
  • CV;
  • date of birth;
  • nationality;
  • language;
  • civil;
  • gender;
  • social media profile;
  • address details;
  • training and experience;
  • meeting reports;
  • references;

In case of any deployment, aside from the aforementioned personal data, we also process your IBAN in order to meet our payment obligations. If you are a self-employed worker, apart rom the IBAN, we also need your Chamber of Commerce registration number and your VAT number.

Social Networks

Our website includes buttons to promote or share pages on social networks such as Google, Meta, Twitter (X), and LinkedIn. These buttons are created using code provided by Meta, Twitter, and LinkedIn themselves. In their privacy statements, you can read what they do with your personal data processed using this code.

Google Analytics

We make use of Google Analytics in order to monitor how visitors use our website. We also analyse how effective our Adwords campaigns are in Google's search results. The data obtained, including the IP address (your computer's address), is transferred by Google to servers in the United States and stored there. Google uses this inforamtion to monitor how our website is being used, in order to produced reports on our website, and to offer advertisers information on the effectieness of their campaigns. Google may provide this information to third parties where it is legally obliged to do so, or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf. We have no influence over this. For more information, read Google's privacy policy and more specifically, that of Google Analytics.


A cookie is a small file sent along with the pages of this website and then saved by your browser on your computer's hard drive. We make use of cookies in order to recall your settings and preferences when, for example, aligning vacancies to your interests. You may disable these cookies via your browser.

Retention period

Babbage Company b.v. does not store your personal data for any longer than necessary for the aforementioned purposes of the data processing, or than is required under the Public Records Act. When you register with Babbage Company, the retention period is 1 year. After 1 year, you will automatically receive an e-mail from Babbage Company with the question as to whether we may store your data for longer. In case of deployment, we will observe the statutory retention period. After this period you will once again automatically receive an e-mail asking you whether we may store your data for longer.

Inspection, modification and deletion of data

You are entitled to inspect your personal data and to request that it be corrected or deleted. In addition, you may raise an objection to the use of your personal data. If it has become apparent that your data are incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant, you may make an additional request to have your data modified, amended or deleted. 

You may send your written request to:

Babbage Company B.V.
Attn Privacy Officer
Carina Snaas
Van Heenvlietlaan 200-A 
1083 CM Amsterdam

Should you wish to avail of your right to object and/or right to data portability, or if you have other questions/remarks concerning the processing of data, please send a detailed request to 


Sharing with others

Babbage Company does not sell your data to third parties and will only provide it where necessary for: implementation of our service, our agreement with a client, our agreement with you or in order to meet a statutory obligation. 

We will enter into a processing agreement with any companies processing your data as a consequence of our contract, in order to guarantee the same level of security and confidentiality of your data. Babbage Company will remain responsible for such processing. 


This privacy statement was drawn up on 1 May 2018 and last changed on 28 June 2024. We retain the right to amend this statement. Any changes will be published on this website.

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